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Welcome to the J. Davis Marketing Sales Blog
a site dedicated to Stressless Salespeople by Stressless Salespeople.

On this site you will find helpful selling tips, videos and demonstrations to help you hone your Stressless skills to the max. The contributors here on Selling Stressless are top field representatives with a collective experience of over 85-years (I said "collective...we're not that old :).


This site works primarily as a BLOG with content being uploaded regularly covering a wide range of topics including product and promotion updates, retail selling tips, construction review, objection handling, and much more. Everything Stressless!


To access the BLOG, simply register on the BLOG page. Also, remember to subscribe to the Selling Stressless email service that will deliver timely updates right to your inbox once a week just before your busy weekend sales traffic. So make sure to Subscribe  to get up-to-the minute support for your growing Stressless sales today!

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